martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013


¿Qué es un "microrrelato"?

-El microrrelato es una construcción literaria narrativa distinta de la novela o el cuento. Su principal carasteristica es la brevedad.

Mi microrrelato

Cuando yo era pequeña tenia una casa del árbol a la que iba cada tarde con mis amigas o por la noche a contarnos cuentos. De repente entro un hombre de cuarenta años que tenia cosas en contra de las mujeres o las niñas en mi caso. Venia cada dia a molestar y termino en ACOSO a la mujer. Hoy tengo cincuenta años y todavía me acuerdo como el primer dia.

What is the "microrrelato"?

The microrrelato is a literary construction narrative different from the novel or the story. His principal carasteristica is the briefness.

When I was a small I was a house of the tree to which I was going every evening with my friends or in the night to stories count to us. Suddenly I enter a forty year old man that he had in opposition to the women or the girls in my case. Permission every day to being a nuisance and I finish in harassment the woman. Today I am fifty years old and still I remember as the first day.
video de violencia de genero

1 comentario:

  1. good job, i like your story but i can´t see very well because the color of letter is very clear, you can change it, try it!!
